Are you wearing a Natural White Sapphire or a Tinted Sapphire? Find the Difference

By Brahma Gems April 13, 2023
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Even in antiquity, the sapphire stone was considered a frozen drop of the elixir of eternal youth, accessible only to the gods. But sapphire is not a fairy tale, rather a stone of natural origin, which is characterized by high hardness, transparency, and sharp brilliance.

The high price of sapphire and certified gemstones in Delhi’s popularity has generated among the fraudsters a desire to use synthetic or artificial jewelry, not expensive and of lower quality, without informing the buyer about this. Therefore, It’s very important to know the various characteristics that plays a huge role in diagnosing the difference between a natural white Sapphire stone and a tinted Sapphire.
What characteristics should be paid attention to when diagnosing the origin of a stone and determining its natural origin?
Sapphire structure:-
Real certified gemstones in Delhi do not have a uniform structure, uniform color, and blotches of air, flux, or copper bubbles. If a natural tourmaline stone was used as a high-quality fake, similar in structure and color to sapphire, it is not possible to visually distinguish a fake from real gem. In synthetic stones, there are always gas bubbles, small inclusions of gold or platinum, and color tonality.
Self-authentication of the stone:-
With a visual inspection, you can determine only the color of the gem and its transparency. This sapphire is rich and uniform in color, resembling silk or velvet. Besides, sapphire has exceptional clarity, with small patches and impurities. How to check sapphire at home for transparency? Easy! Directing a direct ray of sunlight onto the stone, you can see a reflection in the shape of a six-pointed star.

Expert Insight: How to Check & Test Natural White Sapphire (Safed Pukhraj) Stone?

Tactile reflections from sapphire are significant when viewed from it. Before you check the sapphire for authenticity, hold it in the palm of your hand- natural stone is always cold and pleasant. But synthetic fakes do not give such sensations.
Stone strength:-
The authenticity of natural stone is evidenced by its durability. So, according to the strength characteristics, sapphire can be compared only with diamond. Due to the high strength, the edges of corundum will always be smooth and even. And do not be afraid and hold it with a sharp object, then there will be no trace on the surface of the stone. But no one will do this manipulation in the store, so before you buy white sapphire, ask the seller for a certificate of quality.
The cost of the product with sapphire:-
Rarity is one of the characteristics of all gems. Pure stones, free of defects and impurities, are rarely found in the natural environment. Therefore a ring with sapphire or other jewelry made of it sometimes reaches thousands of dollars in value, and minerals of exceptional quality and size - even millions! Synthetic stones cost less. Product design with sapphire is uncomplicated and straightforward, so as not to impede the full analysis of the quality of the stone.
Ways of Difference:-
There are many ways to distinguish sapphire from a fake. Stones grown in artificial conditions are more beautiful. Even though synthetic sapphire and natural have the same chemical composition, there are no defects and various inclusions in the artificially produced ones. They have a clearer and deeper color.
Jeweler's help:-
But in order to completely dispel all doubts and buy white sapphire genuine, it is better to turn to a jeweler and conduct a gemological examination right in the store. The cost of the assistance of an experienced professional, in this case, is justified.
Sapphire is quite an expensive purchase. A refractometer will allow you to determine the index of refraction, which is different for different stones - in sapphire it is in the range of 1.762-1.778. If you look at synthetic sapphire under ultraviolet rays, it glows with a greenish light - this is because titanium is often used in artificial sapphires.