15 Useful Tips To Know Before Buying A Natural Ruby Stone (Manik Stone)

By Brahma Gems April 13, 2023
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red ruby stone

Name the most popular red-colored gemstone of all time and you get red ruby stone. These auspicious and beautiful Astrological Gemstones have been prized and coveted for decades. The rich colour, durability, hardness, significance and symbol of the  neelam gemstone make them an ideal stone to wear everyday. Red ruby stone is one of the rarest yet most popular gemstones in the universe and is widely known as Ratnaraj Ratnanayaka, Padmaraga (in the Sanskrit language). Such Astrological Gemstones is highly valuable and hold a very special place in the science of astrology.
It is a powerpack gemstone with rich culture and for all superior benefits it provide it is known as “the king of gemstones.” However, buying the Neelam gemstone can be a little tricky. The rare and natural Rubies are hard to find. Thus, to buy ruby stone online India one need to keep a few points in mind to avoid any duplicity.


As known these Astrological Gemstones are precious and every precious gemstone has a price to offer. The price of Natural Gemstone Online or offline depends on a lot of factors - a perfect red ruby stone cut, the shape of the ruby, and ruby certifications being a few of them. 

Read along with the top 15 tips that one should consider before buying the auspacious Neelam gemstone:


When you buy Burma Ruby gemstone online then colour is the most important factor to be determined first. The different colours of Natural Gemstone Online need to be examined before buying a red ruby stone. There are a few secondary colours such as pink, purple and orange. The purest form of red is more expensive and authentic and is also considered to be an original manik gemstone. Among all the different shades of Ruby, Pigeon blood rubies are extremely rare and highly valuable as they have no secondary colours. 

Find exceptionally high-quality and different types of rubies only at Brahma Gems.


Ruby is rare and hence small inclusions are visible. There are small gas bubbles and traces that appear as cracks or lines through out the stone. So when you buy Burma Ruby gemstone online thoroughly look for small inclusions and if not found, the quality of the rubies should be checked once again. If these Astrological Gemstones exhibit asterism then they have to be carefully cut to maximize the appearance of the star. In very rare cases, inclusions can cause a star-like effect on Ruby also called an asterism which differs the price of the stone from the rest.
The red ruby stone with no or few inclusions are highly expensive and rare to be found.


While you buy ruby stone online or offline you need to remember that it undergoes different kinds of enhancements. This process is completed to provide a lustre to the stone. Heat treatment, Glass Filled Ruby treatment and Flux Healed Rubies are some of the most common treatments observed to be performed on the natural ruby gemstone.
These treatments are approved and they improve the beauty of the stone.
To successfully carry out astrological benefits one should not buy treated or heated gemstones as they don't give results. One could check certificates for treatments and should not buy a treated gemstone.


Ruby gemstone is commonly found in smaller sizes profoundly in less than one or two carats. The larger rubies are extremely rare and beyond reach while the smaller size makes it look astonishingly beautiful and also can be customised in different shapes.
While you purchase the ruby stone online or offline then just keep an eye for the synthetic Rubies that can be found in larger sizes and are also cost effective but they lack astrological benefits


Rubies are found in many parts of the world, so the quality of Ruby can be determined depending on its originality. 

●    Burmese Ruby or Old Burma Ruby is the most popular red ruby stone origin because of its brilliant colour saturation and consistency. These rubies have high demand all around the world although they are the most expensive variety.

●    Africa and Asia have expanded the choice range for customers by giving away new varieties like Mozambique Ruby.

●    Thailand ruby and Afghanistan ruby.

●    The beautiful red ruby stone is also found in India that are comparatively cheaper in cost and are used to customise magnificent pieces of jewellery.


Ruby has excellent durability and stability with a hardness of 9 on Moh’s scale. This feature makes these Astrological Gemstones highly popular. It goes without saying that Rubies are one of the most preferred gemstones when it comes to customising engagement rings. 

POINT 7: THE SHAPE of the Red Ruby Stone 

Ruby gemstone can be shut down into different shapes depending upon the individual requirements. Round, Pear or princess cuts are some of the brilliant shapes observed that truly enhance the beauty of Ruby. There is also the Cabochon cuts that are quite common as they bring out the asterism effect in rubies.


While purchasing ruby stone online or offline you must keep in mind that it is one of the precious gemstones and is quite expensive. Thus, the market is flooded with lesser expensive gemstones such as Quartz that are dyed and show vibrant red colour similar to a Ruby.
Hence to purchase Certified Gemstones Online to obtain all the astrological benefits always consult gemstone experts and ask for certificates that can prove their authenticity. Stores like Brahma Gems provide authentic and high quality rubies that can be trusted. 

POINT 9: PHENOMENA OF RUBY Astrological Gemstones

Ruby may display the star effect known as asterism. Fine star rubies display sharp six-rayed stars well-centred in the middle of the cabochon while all the legs of the star should show an intact and smooth form. But remember that just having a good star does not make a ruby stone valuable. The best pieces have sharp stars against an intense crimson body colour of the Red Ruby Stone. Lesser stones may have sharp stars, but the body colour is too light or greyish. It is very rare to find 12-rayed star sapphires. 
Inexpensive star rubies come mainly from India.


Normal and gentle care is required to clean this stone while the exposure to extensive heat, ultrasonic and steam cleaners, and chemicals can damage the stone leading it to external abrasions. The stone should be cleaned with warm, soapy water and a soft brush or as recommended by the gem experts. 
While storing your Ruby,you must keep them away from softer gemstones. Keep the stone aside in a small clean box and wrap it with a soft piece of cloth to avoid any scratches.

When you buy ruby stone online India then invest your money via a trusted gemstone store like Brahma Gems after evaluating all the available price options.
POINT 11: ENSURE THE AUTHENTICITY of ruby when you buy the Natural Gemstone Online or offline

The one most essential thing one should verify while buying ruby stone online India is its authenticity and originality. 
It is very common to find conn sellers in the market since rubies are so expensive and rare. You might come across synthetic and artificially treated rubies many times that are only made to mimic the original stone. Therefore, identifying the genuineness of your gem before purchasing it is always recommended. 
Always prefer to buy your stone from a reliable gemstone website or dealer like Brahma Gems where they provide you with a certificate of authenticity to ensure the promised quality. 


Named as the King of Gemstones, this precious Red Ruby Stone represents the Sun and come up with several mesmerising benefits:
➔    It is known to impart good health and mental strength to the wearer.
➔    In men it amplifies manhood and nobility.
➔    When adorned by women it summons passion and power.
➔    It also increase creativity, spirituality, confidence, and wisdom.
➔    The Red Ruby Stone is associated with the Manipura Chakra, which is the navel of the body. Hence this gemstone helps to unlock this chakra, instils in the wearer, a sense of responsibility, and promotes leadership qualities.
➔    Implants a feeling of self-reliance and self-dignity, and helps fight depression.
➔    Its positive energy aids in having clear visualisation, sharpness, and concentration through the stimulation of the pineal gland.

POINT 13: Who should wear it and who shouldn’t?

Go for ruby stone online or offline after consulting an expert if you relate to the following points:
➔    Creatives to get fame and popularity should wear this stone. 
➔    It is highly recommended for those who constantly suffer from bad health.
➔    It is necessary for actors, goldsmiths, artists, government officials, stockbrokers, and dealers of cotton and cotton products.
➔    If you suffer from ailments related to the stomach or have repeated indigestion problems, wear this stone to address these complications.
➔    This gemstone is highly beneficial for people who have a malefic Sun in their charts as well for those who have a beneficial Sun in their birth chart.
➔    If you are suffering from self-doubt, lack of confidence or weight loss, take the help of the ruby stone that will develop a new, confident, and healthy you.
➔    You can boost your creativity and innovative skills by wearing this stone on a regular basis.

1. There are beautiful shades of red, from rich darkish red to pinkish-red.
2. In addition to being July’s Birthstone, the ruby stone is also a traditional gift for those celebrating 15th or 40th anniversaries.
3. Rubies date back almost 2000 years.
4. The Sanskrit name for ruby is “Ratnaraj,” and translates to “king of the gems.” Today we call them rubies, which comes from the Latin words “rubeus,” “rubens,” or “ruber” which mean red.
5. In gemology, only 4 gemstones are a part of the Precious Gem category and Rubies are one of them and the other three are diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds.
6. Rubies are the hardest stones after diamonds, scoring a 9 on the Mohs scale.
7. The most desirable shade of ruby is called “pigeon’s blood” , the deep red with a hint of blue.
8. A majority of rubies will glow when exposed to sunlight due to UV rays interacting with the Chromium.
9. Rubies are associated with intense passion, good luck, protection from misfortune, and personal inspiration.


This alluring and precious gemstone must suit the wearer. A Ruby can do wonders to your life if it is the ideal gemstone for you while if it doesn't suit the wearer the effects could be negative as well.
Hence it is highly recommended to always consult astrologers before you buy ruby stone online India. 


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