How to Estimate the Price of Yellow Sapphire? A Complete Guide on How the Price of Yellow Sapphire Is Decided

By Brahma Gems April 13, 2023
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Yellow Sapphire Stone

Yellow sapphire is an astrological gemstone which is ruled by the planet Jupiter and has superior benefits; the gemstone gets its color from the presence of iron in it. Some yellow sapphires or pushparagam stone are almost said to resemble a yellow diamond, the colors of this gemstone are greenish-yellow, bright canary yellow and of few other shades. The primary source of this gemstone is Sri Lanka, however, it is also found in India, Australia, Thailand, Madagascar, Tanzania, Vietnam, etc. The basic way to identify whether the gemstone is an original yellow sapphire is to feel the warmth of the stone when it is held in hand.

6 factors that decide the price of Yellow Sapphire

Before purchasing the certified yellow sapphire gemstone you should know how the price of this gemstone is decided. You can be misguided by the seller and invest more money than the actual price of the gemstone

  • The yellow sapphire gemstone comes in a variety of color, the brighter the color is the more expensive it becomes
  • The cut is the major factor that decides the yellow sapphire price per carat, the shine and the sparkle of the stone depends on its fine cut, the finer cut of the gemstone increases its price and value
  • yellow sapphire gemstone price also depends on its clarity, a fine quality yellow sapphire has less incorporation in it and it ranges between 2000-4000 Rupees per carat
  • If the Yellow sapphire is of premium grade like of ceylon yellow sapphire which is said to have a high clarity with remarkable cuts, the gemstone will be expensive (the price ranges between 10000-15000 Rupees per carat)
  • Yellow  sapphire super premium grade has no inclusion in it, it is the costliest stone as it is the best among all other types
  • Origin takes a great part in deciding the yellow sapphire price per carat, fine natural yellow sapphire is still rare and the naturally richer yellow hue increases the price of the gemstone


Why knowing the price of a gemstone is important

When you are investing your money on buying a gemstone you must know whether your investment is worthy or not. Moreover, the price of a gemstone decides its value; the high-valued stones are costlier than the low-grade gemstones. Maximum marketers tend to mislead customers while selling their products to fetch more money from them. So, you should know about the original pricing of different categorized gemstones to make sure that the money you are paying for a certain gemstone is worthy according to its value. Do not get fooled by the sellers and you can even buy yellow sapphire stone online


Benefits of Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Pukhraj is one of the auspicious gemstones among the Navaratnas or nine gems. The yellow sapphire gemstone is considered to hold the power of the planet Jupiter. It has multiple benefits including

  • The certified yellow sapphire or Pukhraj is said to be more beneficial if the wearer is a woman, it provides the wearer with a loving groom and happiness in her marital life
  • The wearer is said to enjoy sound health, reducing all the risk factors of heart and kidney diseases
  • It protects you from fatal accidents and evil shadows and brings a positive change in your life
  • Writers, advocates, judges, lawyers, teachers, scholars etc get supreme benefits from this gemstone
  • This yellow sapphire can improve your economic condition and strengthen your ability to make a correct move in your difficult situation


Why choose Brahma Gems for Natural Gemstone?

You all know that purchasing a gemstone from a trusted store is important; Brahma gems allow you to buy the original yellow sapphire and other stone at a low price in comparison with the other competitors. And Brahma guarantees you with 100% originality in gemstones that works well and lasts long.

Are you facing obstacles in life due to weak Jupiter? Then hurry up and get your certified yellow sapphire to get a successful, happy and peaceful life removing all the obstacles of your life and contact Brahma gems today.


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