Allure of Natural Yellow Sapphire Stone (Pukhraj Stone)

By Brahma Gems December 28, 2023
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Natural yellow sapphire

Yellow Sapphire from Ceylon. It's known for its enchanting beauty and rich cultural significance; the Yellow Sapphire holds a special place in the hearts of gemstone enthusiasts as it works wonders in its own inspective.

Ceylon, known as Sri Lanka, has a long-standing reputation as a treasure trove of precious gemstones. Nestled in the Indian Ocean, this island nation has been a source of some of the world's most sought-after gemstones for centuries. Among these, the Yellow Sapphire stands out for its vibrant hue and exceptional quality. Natural yellow sapphire (pukhraj) belong to the corundum family


Ceylonese Yellow Sapphires are celebrated for their exceptional clarity and brilliance. Gemologists and jewellery enthusiasts often prize stones with minimal inclusions, as they allow light to pass through unimpeded, resulting in a dazzling play-off colors.


In Vedic astrology, these gemstones are associated with the planet Jupiter, symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. Wearing a ceylon yellow sapphire gemstone is believed to bring auspiciousness and positive energy into one's life. They are considered not only as exquisite adornments but also as symbols of status and good luck.

Choosing the Perfect Yellow Sapphire Stone?

When selecting a Yellow Sapphire, several factors come into play. The four Cs—colour, cut, clarity, and carat weight—are crucial considerations. The ideal colour is a subjective choice, but many prefer a vivid, uniform hue. A well-executed cut enhances the stone's brilliance, while high clarity ensures a captivating visual experience.
