Astrological Benefits of Wearing an Emerald Stone (Panna Stone)

By Brahma Gems May 08, 2023
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Emerald Stone

Emerald green stone or panna rashi ratan has been considered a very powerful stone in Vedic astrology since ancient times. According to classical Indian literature, the emerald represents the small but mighty planet Mercury (Budh) that affects human life. The emerald gemstone is also known as Budh Ratna as it is associated with the planet Budh.

is usually worn by locals to strengthen weak Mercury in the zodiac sign and to have good luck in life. Coming from the

Beryl family of minerals, this precious green stone is also very important in Western astrology.

Emerald, the auspicious astrological gemstone is the birthstone in Western culture, is considered a lucky stone for those born in May.

brilliant green emerald is known for its captivating shine and unrivalled aesthetic value. Ancient sages and sages wrote a lot about the benefits, metaphysical properties and healing abilities of emeralds. They believe that wearing the

wisdom stone is good for personal health, wisdom, well-being, creativity, and happiness in life.


Natural Green Emerld Stone

According to astrological belief, Panna Stone is beneficial to the creativity and imagination of the person using it. It allows local people to design and innovate in a practical way. So writers, artists, publishers and media representatives etc. It is considered very good to wear emeralds.

Try Brahma Gems if you are looking for authentic gems with a reasonable original emerald stone price.


Emeralds are considered "stones of success". It represents importance and growth. Wearing quality Panna gemstones aids in better earnings and financial growth. Therefore, astrologers can be used in banking, finance, stock trading or accounting etc. recommends that people working in jobs wear Panna.


In Vedic astrology Mercury (Budh) rules wisdom (Budhi). According to mythological beliefs, wearing emeralds can lead to great wisdom. Astrologers believe that emeralds can gain wisdom. Wearing emeralds is also believed to be beneficial for students preparing for competitive exams.


One of the best benefits of emeralds is that it enhances expression. According to the Sacred Vedas, the emerald is considered the Vaani Karaka (language symbol). The healing power of the Panna Stone helps one gain self-confidence and express oneself. It goes without saying that panna ratna is the most valuable reward for those who work in the fields of public relations, media or social communication.


In other forms of medicine, it is believed that wearing Panna or Pachu stones will be beneficial for people with eye, ear or skin problems. Panna rashi ratan is also considered very effective in the treatment of speech disorders, nervous system disorders and some respiratory allergies.


Emerald (Panna) stone is beneficial for people struggling with stress. The harmonious energy of this stone promotes harmony and understanding in couples.

Looking for a natural gemstone online? Go to Brahmagems.


The placement of planets in different houses can create different impacts on a native’s life.

Indian astrology is divided into 12 houses, each representing a particular quality and relationship. Let's discuss how the placement of Mercury in different houses affects Panna astrology and affects the life of the wearer.

  • ‘Lagna’ or ‘Ascendant’ house is represented in the 1st house of the Vedic chart. The astrological theory explains that Lagna reflects the zodiac signs and holds an influence over the native’s health, physical appearance and behaviour. This placement of Mercury is considered to be highly auspicious. Emerald is strongly recommended in such cases to gain wisdom, high adaptability, mental strength, good learning capacity and presentation skills.
  • Astrologically, a 2nd house placement provides a directional sense or Disha Bal where Panna can provide benefic results like improvement in communication skills and clarity of thought.
  • The 3rd house in the Kundli represents expressions. A green emerald stone can be worn in such cases to improve thinking abilities and decision-making abilities in life with a better expression of thoughts.
  • Pancham Bhaav or the 5th house represents Intellect. Hence with the presence of Mercury in the 5th house, astrologers advise to buy Panna stone to gain academic success, improve knowledge and improve learning skills.
  • If Mercury is placed in the 7th house of the chart then it surely signifies early marriage. Individuals who have similar planetary alignment are recommended to wear Emerald to ensure a harmonious relationship.
  • Bhagya Bhava is said to be the 9th house of the chart in Indian astrology. Bhagyya Bhava represents native fortune and with the presence of Mercury in that house panna stone can be worn to strengthen the planet and boost the wearer’s fortune.
  • The Dasam Bhava or 10th house in Kundli indicates the native’s career. With Mercury in the 10th house, a person is generally said to be good at management and gains public support easily. Therefore, Panna is highly suggested for them.
  • A detailed description of financial gain and career growth can be identified by the 11th house of the horoscope. Hence if Mercury is present in this house, then the wearer of the Emerald green stone is benefited from affluent financial growth and economic stability in life.
  • The wearer is not much benefited with the presence of planet Mercury in the 4th, 6th and 8th houses so emerald is suggested in such cases.

If you are looking for one of the most authentic gemstones shop in Delhi then go to Brahma Gems where you can purchase natural gemstone online or offline to obtain all the astrological benefits.


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