Wearing Red Coral & Ruby Together: Recommended or Not

By Brahma Gems April 13, 2023
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red coral stone

Gemstones are created by various processes, both human and natural. These stones possess more than just elegance and style; they are said to be powerful. Gemstones, according to Vedas, control our planets and stars. These stones enhance the power and vigour of our stars, in turn improving our health and luck.

Location and nature of planets play an important role in one's horoscope. Gemstones can affect both characteristics and functionality of planets.


Red coral stone, and its characteristics:

Red coral, also known as Moonga or Praval, is said to rule planet Mars. Our planet hierarchy has nine planets, among which Mars is God of warfare and commander of all Gods. Moonga affects the vitality and energy of our astrological stars.

Benefits of wearing Moonga :

  • Red coral stone (Original Moonga Stone) is beneficial to people to whom planet Mars is important. This stone helps us to overcome all the obstacles in the path of our success. 

  • To be successful, we need to remove our tardiness. This stone helps us overcome our lethargy and gives us the required energy to fulfil the requirements of our goal.

  • This stone helps to stay healthy both mentally and physically to improve our quality of work. 

  • This stone boosts our self-esteem and controls our nervousness or fears.

  • People who have marital troubles and suffer from Manglik Dosha can wear these stones to improve their lives.

  • Those in professions like police, army, defence, doctors and scientists can wear this stone and reap benefits.

  • This stone also cures people who have skin diseases and is also used to purify the blood.




People who should wear red coral stone: 

People belonging to following zodiac signs :

  • Aries- people in sports-related fields, can wear but people with health problems should consult before wearing.

  • Cancer- it provides health benefits to students and disease at work.

  • Scorpio - it is most beneficial for this zodiac sign as it offers benefits like good personality, health and judgement.

  • Sagittarius- this zodiac sign becomes more knowledge and healthy who wears this stone.

  • Pisces- an increase in wealth is seen for this zodiac sign.


Who should not wear Moonga:

People belonging to following zodiac signs

  • Taurus- they are believed to be difficult, so it is not advisable to wear the red coral stone.

  • Gemini- people who have this sign are said to be enemies of the planet Mars.  

  • Leo- wearing this stone can obstruct your success.

  • Virgo- the success of native has seen if a person with this sign wears red coral.

  • Libra- will have health problems

  • Capricorn- elder brother will receive profit.

  • Aquarius- no benefits.


You can buy red coral online at Brahma Gems.


Ruby gemstone and its characteristics:

Ruby is a naturally occurring gemstone and is lauded to be striking in appearance because of its deep red colour. Its colour, cut and shape determine this gemstone's price. The pigeon blood coloured ruby stone is the costliest.


Benefits of wearing Ruby gemstone:

  • This stone imparts good health and strength to the person who wears it, as this stone is said to represent the sun.

  • For males, it improves manhood and nobility, to females, it signifies power and passion.

  • It increases spirituality, creativity and wisdom.

  • Responsibility, leadership qualities are enhanced. It also installs self-reliance and self-dignity.

All the above mentioned benefits can be attained only if the ruby is 100% original and authentic.



Who should wear ruby:

  • People who are looking for fame as well as popularity.

  • People suffering from health problems.

  • Actors, artists, Goldsmiths, government officials etc. are benefited.

  • People suffering from stomach problems like indigestion, constipation, can be benefited.

  • Lack of confidence or self-esteem use this stone and see results.


Who should not wear ruby:

  • All people who have Venus as their zodiac sign should avoid this stone.

  • Taurus descendants should avoid this stone as the sun is not favourable for this group.

  • Virgo and Capricorn are also asked to avoid this stone. Sun is their enemy.

Buy Ruby stone online India at Brahma Gems.


Reasons why red coral and ruby can be worn together:

According to astrology, one could wear natural ruby stone and Moonga together. 

  • Ruby is the representative of the sun, and red coral stone represents Mars. Both are compatible with each other so one can wear both together.

  • These stones together radiate energy and boost one's confidence.

  • These two if worn together, balance the water element in the horoscope.

  • Ruby generates love; red coral brings luck both together give you a better life.


How to wear a ruby gemstone and red coral together:

  • You can wear ruby and red coral together from 3 to 6 carats.

  • You can wear ruby on Sunday and red coral stone on Tuesday.

  • Ruby should be worn on the middle finger and red coral stone on the third finger of the female's left hand and right- hand third finger of male.

  • Metal that is preferred is gold for both gemstones.


Where to buy these gemstones?

You can buy original ruby gemstone and red coral stone at Brahma Gems. Explore the wide variety in ruby and moonga stone price range. We provide worldwide shipping, free pan India delivery along with certified gemstones. Brahma Gems are proudly associated with world gemmology institutes and organizations. 

We have been working for the past fourteen years and are trusted by millions. There are various precious stones available at our online stores; these are 100% certified for purity.


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