Following its name, Jai Rudraksha or 16 Mukhi Rudraksha is synonymous with victory of the wearer. This means to say that the wearer is able to gain victory in all kinds of situations – be it a new venture or undertaking, task, project, fears, tribulations, oppositions, challenges and more.
Healing Benefits
The wearer of this bead helps heal from diseases like TB and leprosy.
The bead also helps heal lung infections.
The Rudraksha also helps the wearer cure from urinary and urogenital diseases, afflictions of the intestine and the uterus.
The wearer also helps with chronic and acute back pain.
Helps with blessing the wearer with a calm disposition.
Wearing this pious bead helps the wearer recover from most diseases.
Spiritual Benefits
The wearer is able to experience positivity and peace.
The entire family is in fact able to experience harmony and get protection from evil forces like occult and black magic.
The entire family turns out to be victorious in all aspects of life.
The wearer is freed from the fear of death – his own or that of his close ones.
It is believed that the wearer is protected from accidents, untimely death, and natural calamities.
Wearing this Divine and powerful Rudraksha is freed from all past sins and blessed with worldly comforts and luxuries.
General benefits
One of the topmost benefits of wearing the 16 Mukhi Rudraksha is freedom from fears and diseases, nightmares, death, legal issues and lack of resources.
The other common benefit is that it encourages the wearer to realize their own potential and work towards using their self-potential.
It enhances the intellectual power, logical reasoning, vocabulary and wisdom
Family Benefits
It is not only the wearer but also his family and relationships that benefit when a person wears the original 16 faced Nepali Rudraksha.
The family bonding strengthens after wearing this bead.
The wearer is bestowed with strong relationships.
The 16 Mukhi Rudraksha affects the Base Chakra or Mooladhara Chakra. The person is able to tread on the path of spiritual healing while he fulfils all his world responsibilities with complete thoroughness.