The 9-mukhi rudraksha promotes health and well-being on all levels- physical, mental and emotional. It is beneficial for individuals facing skin ailments, dizziness and vertigo. The frequency of the 9 mukhi rudraksha regulates the central nervous system and boosts brain function. It enables the wearer to recognise his/her true potential and act with confidence and skill even in challenging situations. If one is suffering from brain fog, hallucinations, stress or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), then 9 mukhi rudraksha speeds up the recovery part. It also defends the wearer from the negative influence of Rahu..
The 9 mukhi Rudraksha shapes the personality and mindset of young students and helps them grow into dynamic adults. It gives them courage to face difficult situations bravely. The 9 mukhi rudraksha lays the foundation of a happy and fulfilled life by helping students develop a strong spiritual connection with the Divine. It protects them from the harmful effects of planetary activity and keeps evil energies at bay. With the 9-mukhi rudraksha, students begin to feel that they are in control of their destiny, which helps them immensely as they grow up.
Singles and Married Couples:
The 9 mukhi rudraksha endows the wearer with positivity, bravery and confidence. It makes them aware of their inner strength. Singles can expect an increase in self-belief, which helps them to fulfil all their desires. The natural nine-face rudraksha is also regarded for its ability to protect the wearer from the ill effects of spirits and ghosts. For married couples, the rudraksha brings contentment and maturity.
Working Professionals
The 9 mukhi rudraksha gives the wearer a dynamic, confident attitude that helps him/her excel in the workplace. It helps them cope with fear, worry, stress and the day-to-day pressures of professional life. The 9 mukhi rudraksha is also perfect for people who face opposition from colleagues who try to undermine them. It keeps the wearer safe from negative people. The 9 mukhi rudraksha is ideal for salaried employees and business owners in all fields.
Retired Individuals
With the 9 mukhi rudraksha, retired individuals and senior citizens can get lasting relief from brain and nervous system disorders. It releases any blockages in the Sahasara Chakra or crown chakra and helps in spiritual development. Senior citizens can also remedy the negative effects of Rahu, leading to self-realisation, contentment and overall wellbeing.